Argyrios Margaritis, F.C.I.C., P.Eng., Ph.D.
Dr. Argyrios Margaritis has promoted the engineering profession for well over 20 years at the PEO chapter and committee levels and through involvement in education-related organizations.
He has served on the London Chapter’s Professional Affairs and Awards committees, and co-chaired the Local Arrangements Committee for this Annual General Meeting. He has twice chaired the chapter.
In the area of admission to the profession, Engineer Margaritis has served on the Academic Requirements Committee and the Evolution of Engineering Admissions Task Force. He has also set and marked the Environmental and Biochemical Engineering technical examinations for several years. In recognition of his expertise in biochemical engineering, Professor Margaritis was invited in 2000 to chair PEO’s Bioengineering Task Force, whose 150-page report defined the required core body of knowledge, areas of practice and skills of a bioengineer for licensing purposes.
As a distinguished world-renowned researcher, he has supervised and trained 63 Ph.D. and M.E.Sc. graduate students in Biochemical Engineering so far, and has over 340 publications and conference presentations to his credit. He is also the founding President and CEO of his own biotechnology consulting company BIOMAR Inc.
For the past 14 years, Argyrios has introduced the profession to high school students by organizing the London Chapter’s annual Engineering Careers Day. He is also the Founding Director and on the Board of the Aventis Biotechnology Challenge in the London District, in which high school co-op students do biotechnology research supervised by University of Western Ontario researchers. Nationally, he serves on the Selection Committee of Youth Science Foundation Canada, which selects the best 10 science fair projects each year across Canada.
It is for this record of outstanding and pioneering contributions to the Engineering profession, that Professional Engineers Ontario is delighted to invest Dr. Argyrios Margaritis as an Officer of the Order of Honour.