Grand River

West Montrose Covered Bridge
Welcome to the Grand River engineering community

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is Ontario’s engineering regulator. With about 6000 local members (engineers, engineering interns (EITs), students and licence applicants), the PEO Grand River Chapter supports our regulatory mandate to serve and protect the public by promoting engineering and STEM education and careers at area schools, mentoring new engineers and licence applicants, and providing engineering networking and professional development opportunities. 

Chapter map
Cover Photo

The West Montrose Covered Bridge is one of the oldest covered bridges in Canada and the only remaining one in Ontario. Built in 1881 at a cost just over $3000, it has long surpassed its expected useful life of 80 years. Engineers will be a significant part of the bridge rehabilitation project approved in February 2024. (Photo by Brett Nelson, P.Eng)

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