
Lunch and Learn - Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Liners

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Online Zoom event

Channeline has been providing custom design structural glass reinforced plastic (GRP) lining systems since the early 1980s, during which time they have accumulated unrivaled engineering and manufacturing experience for both circular and non-circular buried infrastructure worldwide.
Their unique technology means they can create systems in any shape and any size, for the trenchless rehabilitation of sewers, tunnels, culverts, stormwater and other buried structures.

1. History – Channeline and GRP
2. Description of GRP Liner Construction
3. Non – Circular Design
4. Hydraulic Capacity
5. Manufacturing
6. QA /QC
7. Installation Methods
8. Traditional Jointing Systems
9. Grout and Grout Practices
10. Channeline SL and Multi-Segmental Lining
11. Channeline CL for Bends and Curves
12. Reinstatement of Lateral Connections
13. Profiles
14. Case Studies and Project Discussion
15. Question and Answer Session

Event categories

Speaker Series
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)