Message from the Chapter Chair
Welcome to PEO Algonquin Chapter. Our chapter, 1 of 7 in the Eastern Region, covers the counties of Nipissing and Renfrew and has over 450 P.Eng.s and EITs. The chapter board, comprising of 15 volunteers, meets 4 to 5 times per year. Through our various committees we host numerous events throughout the year, including ‘bridge busting’ competitions, at area schools as well as the Renfrew County Science Fair and CNL’s Science Odyssey. We are presently building a ‘heat pump’ demonstration unit which will be used to help demystify the concept to the general public. Moreover, we hold several technical talks throughout the year on subjects of interest to our region’s engineers. Furthermore on the education front, we award two (2) scholarships each year to high school graduating students pursuing an engineering degree at an accredited Ontario University. Our social events consists of an annual BBQ, the Volunteers Appreciation dinner, a family bowling night and our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Join us for our 2025 AGM and we encourage you to get involved in our chapter and its numerous activities.
Get to know us
Coming Soon: resources to learn more about the Algonquin Chapter!
Connecting engineers and communities

Algonquin Chapter committees
The Education Outreach committee works with local schools, teachers and students to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and careers.
The Events committee plans and organizes events—networking, recognition, professional development, recreational and more—for chapter members. The Events committee may set up informal subcommittees for specific events, as deemed necessary.
The Finance committee supports the Treasurer with the preparation, approval and reporting of budgets and expenses against the annual Chapter Business Plan.
The GLP committee works to ensure that government, elected officials and the public continue to recognize and understand PEO’s regulatory mandate and policy directions.
The Nominating committee works to present a slate of candidates for election to Chapter board positions each year.
The Scholarship committee evaluates high school student applications for two (2) scholarships annually, for students who are continuing their education in an Ontario post-secondary accredited university engineering program.