Amity Man-Chun Lam, P.Eng.
Described as the unsung heroine of the Brampton Chapter, Amity Lam has demonstrated an unfailing dedication to advancing her profession, since joining it in 1990.
Amity has played a major role in organizing nearly all the Brampton Chapter events since 1993, when she joined the Chapter Executive, and has been the chapter’s official photographer for the past 12 years. Her opinions are highly regarded and have helped the chapter, and the profession, to progress.
When the chapter formed an events subcommittee in 1998 to encourage more liaison with other chapters, PEO committees and outside organizations, Amity volunteered to chair it and has done so ever since.
Through her years of service to the profession, she has performed her duties with extraordinary modesty and has set an ideal example for others to follow.