Annabelle Lee, P.Eng., FEC
Since beginning as a PEO volunteer back in 2011 as an EIT, Annabelle Lee has been a tireless contributor to the ongoing success of the York Chapter and a capable engineering ambassador to the local community.
Currently the York Chapter chair, Annabelle’s first volunteer role was on the chapter's Education Committee to help promote math and engineering to high school students at the 2010 Mathletics competition. Since then, she has been elected to the chapter board every year since 2011 and has proven herself as a volunteer leader with multiple accomplishments, including: spearheading the EIT committee with the York Chapter to assist EITs to obtain their P.Eng.; as communications director, leading the chapter to creating social media presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram to improve member engagement; and as vice-chair, assembling teams to meet the chapter’s goals of EIT and women engineers’ engagement.
After serving multiple senior chapter roles, Annabelle became the chapter chair in February 2020, preparing to oversee the organization of the up to 50 events per year the chapter produces for members and the community. When Covid-19 hit and cancelled all in-person events, Annabelle led the chapter to continue engaging members virtually. In 2020, the York Chapter has hosted close to 30 webinars and events, including a virtual licensing ceremony and Children’s Facial Covering Design Challenge, and giving back to the community with fundraising event for the Richmond Hill Foodbank.