Anthony E. Pasteris, MBA, P.Eng.

Chairman and President, Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc.

The work undertaken by Anthony E. Pasteris as Chairman and President of Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc. has been critical to the development of safe and healthy workplaces. Minerva Canada, a not-for-profit organization made up of volunteers from industry, academia, government and Health and Safety associations, promotes the integration of occupational health and safety into the curriculum of Canadian university Engineering and Business Schools. It focuses on students who one day will become industry leaders, and aims to expand the knowledge base of engineering academics in Health and Safety. Some key achievements:

- He co-leads the annual Minerva Canada Summer Institute and Learning Forum program – an activity to raise the level of Health and Safety awareness for university, college professors and the need for increased safety training in the classrooms and, by so doing, to better prepare university, college graduates prior to entering the workforce.

- He oversees development of health and safety teaching modules for engineering undergraduate students for use in all universities. The National Council of Canadian Deans of Engineering and Applied Science have endorsed these modules.

- He oversees the development of case studies on Health and Safety by Canadian universities with support from industry and government.

- He oversees the Minerva Canada Health and Safety student awards program for Canadian Engineering and Business Schools.

- He has been instrumental in fundraising at Minerva Canada, which is necessary for the continuation of that entity and its Health and Safety educational activities.