Behnaz Ghoraani, EIT

Behnaz Ghoraani completed a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University. Her achievements as a student are recognized through prestigious scholarships and awards, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering’s (IEEE) Toronto Section Outstanding New Leader Award in 2009.

A member of PEO’s Engineering Intern program since 2010, she currently shares her time between Ryerson University and the University of Toronto, working as a research associate and developing signal and image processing techniques to improve the quality of the treatments for patients with heart problems.

Ms Ghoraani is passionate about promoting and encouraging engineering, especially among women, and has demonstrated remarkable leadership skills in her career, as well as in her volunteering activities. She has served as coordinator of the IEEE Canada: Women in Engineering initiative; chair of IEEE Toronto: Women in Engineering; and vice chair of IEEE Toronto: Signal Processing Section, in addition to serving as program committee member and technical program coordinator for several IEEE conferences.