Comondore (Ravi) Ravindran, Ph.D., P.Eng., FCAE
Dr. Ravindran has long and stellar careers in academia (22+ years) and industry (16+ years), continuously reinforced by spectacular research and development accomplishments. More, he is an outstanding teacher of materials science and engineering, and he has been honoured with numerous national and international awards.
Dr. Ravindran is globally recognized for his pioneering work and significant research in the development of innovative metal casting processes and high-performance materials, with a focus on weight reduction, improved vehicle fuel efficiency, reduced gas emission levels and conservation of environment. Among his accomplishments, Ravi pioneered the development of continuous casting of high strength microalloyed (boron) steels, reducing the consumption of valuable raw materials. He conducted innovative research in lost foam casting of aluminum and magnesium alloys that was transferred to the automotive industry. He also developed a new generation of ductile cast iron with improved high temperature properties for exhaust manifolds. More recently, his research has focused on the development of aluminum and magnesium light alloys, with a view to reducing the weight of automotive vehicles and reducing fuel consumption, thereby helping Ontario and Canada meet atmospheric environmental targets.