David Grant, P.Eng., FEC
Over several years of volunteering with the Ottawa Chapter (including service as chair, secretary, executive and Government Liaison Program [GLP] member), David Grant has been an outstanding ambassador for engineering and an inspiration for the next generation of engineers. David has worked in a wide variety of chapter committees and activities, including education outreach, GLP, recognition and service awards, planning social and technical events, member engagement, budgeting and working with engineering interns. As the lead for the chapter’s licence presentation ceremonies, David believes in welcoming new colleagues in the profession in a warm and collegial environment, while fostering and promoting partnerships with local businesses, engineering firms, associations, museums, and the engineering departments of Carleton and Ottawa universities.
David has effectively represented the Ottawa Chapter and the concerns of the eastern region membership through his committee work and active role in building and enhancing core PEO principles, and the profession, locally and through regional and leadership conferences.