David Kiguel, P.Eng., FEC
A passionate and energetic volunteer with both PEO and the East Toronto Chapter for 16 years, David Kiguel has demonstrated his commitment to the growth and development of the engineering profession.
Currently chair of the Experience Requirements Committee (ERC), David’s PEO volunteer history dates to 2004 when he began service as an ERC interviewer and participant in policy meetings. Since then, he has conducted over 350 interviews, adding both professionalism and fairness to his extensive technical knowledge in his role.
David’s contributions to licensure policy include his membership in the ERC subcommittee and the Licensing Committee. He is, or has been, chair of the Improved Interviews Implementation Plan Working Group, the ERC Manual Working Group, the Interview Quality Review Group and the ERC Dispute Resolution Board; and has participated in numerous working groups and task forces. His ERC policy work has helped develop and improve many applicant guidelines and documents, including PEO’s Guide for the Experience Requirements for Licensing, the ERC Operating Policies and Procedures Manual, the ERC conflict of interest policy and the internal interview appeals process. He also helped improve PEO's licensing process to make it more objective by researching practices at other regulators.
David has also been an active member and supporter of the East Toronto Chapter, delivering technical seminars and licensure-related talks. He has made similar presentations to other PEO chapters.