Galal Abdelmessih, P.Eng., FEC, PMP
Highly regarded for his commitment to the values and vision of PEO, Galal Abdelmessih has championed the profession both as a chapter volunteer and directly from association headquarters.
A mechanical engineer and instructor at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies (2010-2014), Galal has provided leadership on various PEO committees, including on the Experience Requirements Committee for more than 10 years. PEO’s ERC is a key committee tasked with determining if an applicant’s work experience is acceptable for licensure. The committee typically conducts over 1000 interviews per year to assess applicant experience.
As a long-time Mississauga Chapter volunteer, including six years as a chapter executive, Galal has served as vice-chair, as well as led various executive committees, including those focusing on education, licensure assistance, Government Liaison Program and others. One of his most significant accomplishments was organizing the EIT committee to deliver numerous, well-attended events for engineering interns. Last year, he took over the chapter’s communications committee with a goal of improving the promotion of chapter evens and news through a new website and increased use of social media channels.
Regardless of the initiative, Galal demonstrates leadership by encouraging new volunteers to work with him in organizing events, including town hall meetings and seminars.
And as a long-time engineer and volunteer, he applies his vast historical knowledge of the profession to help ensure the success of events while always adhering to PEO’s core values: accountability, respect, integrity, professionalism and teamwork.
Watch his Order of Honour video to learn more.