Gerard Raymond St. Denis, P.Eng., FEC
In nearly 20 years on the North Bay Chapter executive, Gerry St. Denis has inspired not only other engineers to get involved in the community, but also students to consider engineering as a future profession.
It is well known throughout the chapter that if Gerry is not at one of their meetings, he’s helping his student robotics team. Gerry’s current passion, the student robotics initiative is a program that not only promotes engineering, but is also a total formation package for the students and a year-round commitment. He spends countless evening and weekend hours volunteering in all aspects of the competition, including mentoring students, securing space for teams to work, supervising robot development and fundraising. The teams Gerry has mentored have won North American awards for enthusiasm and professionalism and competed in world championships. Because of Gerry’s commitment, the North Bay Chapter dedicates proceeds of the chapter’s annual charity golf tournament to the robotics program, resulting in funding for the program of $25,000 in the past six years.
Gerry’s volunteer spirit has also nurtured a culture of community awareness throughout the chapter. Under his leadership for 10 years, the chapter’s annual Spring Fling has evolved into a can’t-miss event that raises funds for the North Bay Association for Community Living to support those in the community with developmental disabilities.