Gina P. Cody, PhD, P. Eng., ACCI, FCCI, BDS, FEC
For more than two decades, Gina Cody has excelled in an array of volunteer activities within the greater engineering community.
During her term as a PEO councillor, Gina represented the profession on internal and external committees and task groups that had a major effect on the conduct of engineers and regulatory policies. Her six years as a member and chair of the Professional Practice Committee, and her participation on tasks groups on changes to the Professional Engineers Act, reform of the Limitations Act of Ontario, and building regulatory reform are just a few examples of her contributions.
Gina has also been an active participant and volunteer leader in the Canadian Standards Association, serving on and chairing technical and strategic committees advocating for standards and advances in building sciences and quality of construction. To recognize these efforts, she was awarded a CSA Award of Merit at the June 2009 CSA annual general meeting.
An advocate for creating a more inclusive profession, Gina’s strong work ethic and willingness to volunteer her time to participate in technical committees, judicial commissions and PEO have raised the profile of female engineers and their important contributions. She is, indeed, a role model for women in engineering.