Her Worship Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga
For her unwavering allegiance, to both our association and to our profession, Mayor Hazel McCallion is the well-deserving, inaugural recipient of PEO’s President’s Award.
Her commitment and dedication to the people of Mississauga have made her one of Canada’s best known and longest serving mayors. And during her tenure of nearly 30 years, she has brought to government an understanding and appreciation of the important contributions that professional engineers make to society.
Members of our Mississauga Chapter can attest to her unwavering support of the chapter’s activities and to her willingness to assist the 6000 engineers living in her community. Despite a hectic and undoubtedly grueling schedule, she has made time to attend numerous chapter functions and licence certificate presentations, and been vocal in recognizing and praising the work of the engineering profession.
Professional Engineers Ontario is proud to recognize the ongoing dedication to the engineering profession of the Mayor of the City of Mississauga, Her Worship Hazel McCallion.