Holly L. Anderson, P.Eng.
Through her work with PEO’s Education Committee, Holly Anderson has contributed above and beyond what can reasonably be expected of a volunteer.
A member of the committee since the mid-1990s, Engineer Anderson has chaired it for the past four years. Under her leadership, it developed a program that matches volunteer engineers with elementary or high schools. Called engineers-in-residence (EIRs), program participants work with teachers, administrators and students over an entire school year. The EIRs become part of the school community and are able to help bridge the gap between the real world and classroom theory. At present, the EIR program has over 60 engineers placed in over 60 schools throughout Ontario. During her term, the Education Committee also established a Chapter Liaison Subcommittee to support PEO chapters in their education outreach.
Holly had a hand in shaping the curriculum, when she represented PEO on an Ontario education ministry expert panel advising on high school mathematics. This assignment required her not only to share her expertise, but also to take significant time off work to do it—with the generous support of her employer.
Recognizing this commitment to educating the profession’s next generation, PEO recently appointed Engineer Anderson as its representative on the National Engineering Week Ontario Steering Committee.
On behalf of the many young people who have benefited from her energy and passion for engineering, the association is proud to invest Holly Anderson as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.