Javad Mostaghimi, PhD, P.Eng.
Javad Mostaghimi, PhD, P.Eng., is internationally recognized in the area of thermal spray coatings. His work has led to major advances in the aerospace, automotive, power generation, and resource processing industries. Thermal spray coatings is an enabling technology widely used to improve the performance of engineering systems by protecting their components from wear, corrosion and high temperatures.
Dr. Mostaghimi led the development of new computational fluid dynamics software packages that model the impact and solidification of molten droplets on solid surfaces. Understanding droplet impact and solidification is essential to understand how coatings are formed. He founded a company, Simulent Inc., to commercialize and further develop the software, which is currently used by several leading international companies.
Recently, Dr. Mostaghimi led the development of a new and innovative high-power plasma torch. Based on the unique performance of the torch and the market opportunity identified in the waste treatment business, a new company, Ablazeon Inc., was founded.
Dr. Mostaghimi is the director and co-founder of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, a leading thermal spray research centre. He has published over 120 journal articles, which have been cited by others over 1900 times.
He held a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Junior Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Engineering, and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Coatings. He currently holds the Distinguished Professor in Plasma Engineering Chair at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Mostaghimi is a Fellow of numerous learned societies and institutions, including the Canadian Academy of Engineering; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers; International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Massey College, University of Toronto; and Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Japan).
Dr. Mostaghimi is also a member of the advisory board of the Ontario Research Fund and the board of management of the Centre for Materials and Manufacturing.