Jeanette Southwood, P.Eng
Since graduating from the University of Toronto in 1988, Jeanette Southwood, P.Eng., has been in demand because of her work in assessing the fate, effects and risks of hazardous chemicals. In 1990, she joined Angus Environmental Limited, where she has become particularly well known for modeling the fate of chlorinated organics in pulp and paper mill effluents. Some of this work has been published in peer-reviewed reports, and is being used in Canada, the United States and Europe. Her consulting work also includes pathways analysis, site decommissioning, environmental assessment and environmental training. Engineer Southwood is an executive member of the Willowdale-Thornhill chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario and one of three Citizen Members of the City of North York's Environment Committee. She is also president elect of the Canadian Environmental Defence Fund, a group that pays most or all of the fees that worthy citizens' groups require to fight environmental cases.