Jerry Dudzic, MBA, CMA, CSP, P.Eng.
Jerry Dudzic’s passion for volunteerism within the engineering community has provided the London Chapter with an enviable level of continuity and professionalism.
Since 1991, Engineer Dudzic has been actively involved in the London Chapter Executive having served in various positions, including Treasurer, Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair.
As an experienced member of the Chapter Executive, he has been a mentor to many of his colleagues, often called upon to provide guidance on such matters of chapter operations as how to stage an effective annual general meeting. His natural leadership abilities are enhanced by a thorough understanding of PEO policies and protocols.
The chapter’s Certificate Presentation Coordinator for nearly a decade, Dudzic has transformed the ceremony into one of London’s most successful events. In fact, the next generation of professional engineers are now welcomed to the profession in London at a twice yearly event at the Highland Country Club, an exclusive facility of which he is a member.
Dudzic’s participation in National Engineering Week events and outstanding promotion of the profession to London’s business district have increased awareness and recognition of engineers in the community.
For many years of dedication to enhancing the stature of the London Chapter and engineering profession in his community, PEO is proud to invest Jerry Dudzic as a Member of the Professional Engineering Ontario Order of Honour.