Jing Jiang, BESc., MESc., Ph.D., P.Eng., F. CAE, F.EIC, F.IET, F.ISA, F.IEEE, F.ANS
Over 30+ years as a professional engineer, Dr. Jing Jiang has made outstanding contributions in research, development and engineering education. As an NSERC/UNENE Senior Industrial Research Chair Professor since 2003, he spearheaded several research projects that have resulted in significant technological advancements, including work on wireless sensor networks for nuclear power applications and the development of a real-time nuclear power plant simulator to support instrumentation and control research and training.
At Western University, Dr. Jiang has established two research laboratories, one dedicated to nuclear power plant instrumentation and control, and the other to distributed generation and microgrid electrical power systems. The laboratories house state-of-the-art research facilities to train students to develop advanced skills meeting the needs of Canadian industries. He has personally trained over 17 Post-Doctoral Fellows, 30 Doctoral, 40 Master's, and over 100 Bachelor's students. Many of them are contributing to industries and research institutions in Canada and around the world.