John Hazel, P.Eng, MBA, FEC
A committed volunteer at both the PEO and chapter levels since 2010, John Hazel has been a tireless and enthusiastic contributor to both the regulator’s Education Committee and the Ottawa Chapter executive.
As an Ottawa Chapter leader, John has served in several senior capacities, including: chair, vice chair, secretary, privacy officer, webmaster, newsletter editor and chair of the chapter’s Education Outreach, Awards, Events and Communications committees.
A highlight of his term as chapter vice-chair was hosting astronaut Marc Garneau as an AGM guest speaker to discuss the importance of engineering in space exploration, resulting in the chapter’s largest ever AGM turnout.
John has also been very active in supporting local education outreach activities. As chair/vice-chair of the Education Committee, he is passionate about promoting STEM careers to local students, participating as a judge at the Ottawa Regional Science Fair, acting as an engineer-in-residence at two local elementary schools and organizing numerous National Engineering Month events and activities.
As a passionate supporter of the Licensure Assistance Program, John regularly mentors multiple engineering interns through the licensure process and beyond. While one intern is often enough, he is always willing give his time to help future engineers gain guidance from experienced engineers as well as enhance the engineering profession.