Kevin Blades, P.Eng.
For 10 years, Kevin Blades, P.Eng., has been a guiding force in PEO’s Chatham-Kent Chapter.
Through his active leadership as Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair, he provided a strong voice for the chapter executive at many PEO congresses and annual meetings.
An enthusiastic and reliable volunteer, Kevin is supportive of the chapter’s attempts to diversify its events and reach as many members as possible. He was instrumental in planning many successful events, including annual general meetings, golf days and curling bonspiels, and recruited colleagues to participate in chapter activities.
Kevin also provides valuable advice to aspiring engineers on the merits and process of becoming a professional engineer, and has volunteered several times to judge the chapter’s Iron Ring award, a student award presented at the Chatham Region Science Fair. He continues to be an active advocate for the profession through his involvement in National Engineering Week activities, including classroom presentations to local students.
Today, Kevin participates in his chapter as a senior advisor to its executive, allowing younger executive members a more prominent leadership position, while helping to ensure an informed decision-making process.
“There is more to licensure than the stamp,” he says. “It is about the integrity of the profession that we have chosen to pursue.”