Lindsay Keats, P.Eng., FEC
An active PEO volunteer since 2009, Lindsay Keats has an outstanding record of volunteer service in the engineering community.
Over the last decade, she has held key leadership roles with the North Bay Chapter, including chair, vice chair and secretary. She has also led key chapter activities such as organizing the chapter’s annual Engineering Day Symposium; leading the chapter’s communications, including developing its newsletter, social media accounts and member emails; and heading up member appreciation events such as curling bonspiels and EIT wing nights.
She has also volunteered on several chapter committees aimed at promoting STEM among local students, including the North Bay Regional Science Fair, Bridge Building Competition and Engineering Student’s Night. Lindsay is well known for her passion for engineering at PEO HQ and is a strong voice for Northern Ontario chapters at provincial events including Chapter Leadership, Volunteer Leadership and Northern Regional conferences. Throughout this involvement, Lindsay has always dedicated herself to the issues presented, and worked with colleagues to resolve general membership inquiries and table motions for PEO Council to review.
Lindsay is known as a considerate leader who values the opinions and contributions of her fellow executives. And on the professional side, she has helped mentor many young ElTs and always promoted the profession with pride