Michael Pearsall, P. Eng., CVS
For more than a decade, Mike Pearsall has been an ambassador for the important role professional engineers have within our communities.
A member of the North Bay Chapter executive since 2003, including a term as chair in 2007, Mike is described as an outstanding leader and actively involved in most of the chapter’s education outreach programs. His infectious enthusiasm towards the profession has motivated students throughout their studies and their participation in Mathletics competitions, Student’s Night, bridge building competitions and Engineer-in-Residence initiatives.
Mike has also promoted the profession to students through community-related events. He has been an avid supporter of the North Bay Regional Science Fair, chairing the committee for more than 10 years, doing media interviews and school presentations to students and teachers, and even chaperoning students to the Canada-Wide Science Fair.
“I wouldn’t be the person I am today, in the profession I am in, had I not been involved in Science Fair as a child,” Mike says. “I just want to give back to the community in hopes of influencing young minds the way I was influenced to consider the great field of science and engineering.”
Through his employer, the Ministry of Transportation, Mike has also mentored many international engineering graduates in their efforts to become licensed in Ontario.