Oscar R. Avila, P.Eng., MBA, FEC
For many years, Oscar has passionately promoted the merits of the engineering profession in the London area through his significant contributions to education and government outreach programs.
A long-time member of the London Chapter, Oscar chaired it from 2007 to 2009, during which it flourished in membership growth and positive organizational changes.
During his time chairing the chapter’s Education Outreach Committee, Oscar implemented and consolidated activities that encourage students to learn more about the profession and to consider a career in engineering. Many of these initiatives stem from the chapter’s involvement in National Engineering Month, including its Mathletics competition, career fair participation, presentations to local high school students and the connecting of local industry with the surrounding engineering community.
A pioneer in the chapter’s government outreach efforts, Oscar chaired its Government Liaison Program committee, establishing strong relationships with current and past MPPs, and with representatives of all political parties. In 2011, he successfully led the committee’s staging of the chapter’s first all-candidates debate, which raised the profile of engineering locally and the issues affecting the profession.
As an international engineering graduate, Oscar is an inspiring example of the contributions newcomers can make to strengthen the governance of the engineering profession in their adopted home.
Click here to watch Oscar's gala tribute video