Pasquale (Pat) Scanga, P.Eng., FEC
Over three decades of volunteering with multiple chapters and the Engineering Innovation Forum, Pat Scanga has been a key leader and a tremendous asset, thanks to his positive attitude, exceptional leadership, and sincere passion for the engineering profession.
Beginning with volunteer contributions at the former Toronto Dufferin Chapter and later at the West Toronto Chapter, Pat has held several executive roles, including chapter CFO/treasurer & vice chair. Since 1991, Pat has also been treasurer and fundraising director for the Engineering Innovation Forum Committee, which focuses on promoting engineering creativity and innovation.
Pat is recognized as highly organized and disciplined in his volunteer activities, consistently focusing on what it takes to achieve the desired results, and diligently honouring commitments. He brings to his volunteer roles a wealth of management experience, prodigious leadership, and collaborative interpersonal skills.
As a dedicated and trusted engineering professional and with an engaging personality, Pat is a sought-after mentor. He is well known for sincere encouragement and thoughtful advice, and throughout the years has been instrumental in positively affecting chapter executives, members, and students. Over the past 30 years, Pat has contributed to the growth of the engineering profession with remarkable enthusiasm and commitment and has been a great source of inspiration for others.