R. L. (Bob) Hemmings, PhD, P.Eng.

President, MicheRo Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, Special Separations Applications Inc.

Bob Hemmings, PhD, P.Eng., has had a career at the forefront of Canadian nuclear power generation and fusion power development.

As Vice President and Manager of Marketing and Special Projects, Dr. Hemmings provided leadership to the country’s largest private nuclear company, Canatom, at a time of renaissance. There, he led Canadian nuclear talent in evaluating the prudence of various U.S. utilities in managing the requirements arising from the Three Mile Island nuclear incident.

Previously, during his tenure with small, U.S. company, London Nuclear Services, Dr. Hemmings applied Canadian-developed technology to decontaminate nuclear plants in the U.S., as well as in France. The technology’s (and the company’s) success was recognized with the coveted IR-100 award in 1985.

Another special project of note was his involvement in designing the buildings and infrastructure, as well as Canada’s bid to host, the experimental International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor fusion project.Now retired from Canatom successor company SNC-Lavalin Nuclear, Dr. Hemmings is President and Chief Executive Officer of Special Separations Applications Inc., which separates and purifies such special substances as tritium from water or heavy water.

He is also President and Chief Investigator in MicheRo Inc., a special studies company.