Ravi K. Gupta, Ph.D., P.Eng.
For over 25 years of volunteer service to Professional Engineers Ontario, Engineer Ravi K. Gupta has actively worked to enhance the profession’s regulation and standards and to raise the public perception of engineering as a rewarding and exciting career.
For the past two years, as the PEO representative on the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, he has served as Chair of the Engineer-In-Training Committee, incoming Chair of the Foreign Engineering Qualifications Committee and Vice-Chair of the Software Engineering Experience Task Force. In 1988, he became a Member of the PEO Order of Honour in recognition of his service on the Executives of the Willowdale-Thornhill and York chapters. Over the years, he has organized many events to increase public awareness of the profession, including National Engineering Week and the Engineering Centennial Year in 1987.
Dr. Gupta served on PEO Council for four years and on several PEO committees, including the Annual Conference, Engineering Week Steering, Discipline and Professional Development committees. For the past two years, he has chaired the PEO Experience Requirements Committee.
For his commitment to enhancing the standards of the profession and his outstanding leadership, Dr. Ravi Gupta P.Eng., is invested as an Officer of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.