Rishi Kumar, P.Eng., PMP, CMC, GSC, FEC
In his every role as a PEO volunteer, Rishi Kumar has been an exemplary ambassador for the profession, always serving with integrity.
A mechanical engineer with a Master of Science degree from the University of Calgary, Rishi has volunteered on PEO chapters at both the chapter and PEO committee level since 2004.
As a volunteer with the Mississauga Chapter, he has chaired or served on the Scholarship, Awards, Mentoring, Privacy and By-Law, Environmental and Executive committees. As chair of the Mentoring Committee, he helped establish a strong link between the chapter and newcomers, developing programs that connect engineering interns (EITs) with experienced licensed professionals who provide valuable support during the licensure process. As a mentor himself, he guides an average of 10 EITs per month.
An enthusiastic supporter of education outreach, Rishi also oversees the chapter’s scholarship program for high school students entering undergraduate engineering studies. In this role, he develops program details, contacts school boards, encourages students to participate and reviews applications to the final selection and award presentations.
Rishi has also served on PEO’s Experience Requirements, Discipline, and Equity and Diversity committees for 14 years. As a member of the Experience Requirements Committee, he worked to improve the experience requirements process and procedures manual and developed new guidelines to advance the assessment process of licence applicants. He also contributed to the creation of PEO’s Equity and Diversity Policy and, as a member of the tribunal panel, Rishi has participated in discipline hearings to resolve complaints against PEO licence and certificate of authorization holders.
Watch his Order of Honour video to learn more.