Sandra Odendahl, MASc., CFA, P.Eng.

Vice President, Social Impact & Sustainability, Scotiabank

Since obtaining her MASc. in Chemical Engineering, Sandra Odendahl has championed sustainability and innovation in industry and finance, leveraging her knowledge of environmental science and engineering to enable sustainable and socially responsible innovation in the financial sector.  

Currently, as Vice-President, Social Impact & Sustainability for Scotiabank, Sandra leads the team responsible for developing strategies and executing programs in corporate sustainability, global donations, employee engagement, and ESG reporting.   Previously, as CEO of CMC Research Institutes, she helped secure partnerships to scale up carbon-reducing technology for industry.  Earlier in her career, she held several pioneering sustainability and social innovation roles at Royal Bank of Canada.  In all cases, Sandra was described as a catalyst, changemaker, and problem-solver, to which she credits her engineering training.  

As a volunteer, Sandra serves as board director for the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, the Transition Accelerator, and NEXT Canada. She previously served as board director and chair of the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, and recently completed a 4-year term as a Board Director and Audit Committee Chair at the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA). 

She has also been an active volunteer and advocate for both her alma maters, the Universities of Ottawa and Toronto, mentoring students, speaking at student conferences, and participating in advisory roundtables.  

Sandra’s contributions to the community have been recognized by inclusion in the Canada’s Clean50 list for her efforts to promote sustainability, and she has received awards for volunteerism from Ryerson University and the University of Toronto.