Sean P. McCann, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Since 1997, Sean McCann has advocated tirelessly for the engineering profession and PEO’s goals to members of the Windsor-Essex Chapter and to local students.
Engineer McCann has provided solid and insightful leadership throughout his years of service on the Windsor-Essex Chapter Executive, which have included terms as Director, Treasurer (twice), Chair (twice), Past Chair (twice) and Vice Chair (twice). He has also represented the chapter as part of the organizing group for the PEO Chapters Leaders’ Conference.
As the chapter’s Director of Communications for several years, he edits and publishes its newsletter, a time-consuming and meticulous task. McCann has also organized his chapter’s licence certificate presentations, annual general meetings, and presentations on licensing and practising requirements to internationally educated graduates.
With a strong commitment to education outreach, he has recruited judges for local science, technology and engineering fairs; chaired the selection committee for chapter-sponsored engineering awards; and organized successful orientation events to encourage graduating student enrolment in PEO’s EIT program. His efforts, in conjunction with several other members, were instrumental for the development of the Education Committee as the chapter’s strongest committee for publicizing the engineering profession locally. Through this committee, he has made presentations to elementary and high school students, and worked to increase the participation of women in the profession. In addition, he has helped to orient numerous university students in subjects such as ethics and careers choices in engineering.
It is for these extensive and influential activities aimed at the future of his profession that PEO is delighted to invest Sean McCann as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.