Seimer Tsang, D.Eng., P.Eng., FEC
For nearly 15 years, Seimer Tsang, D.Eng., P.Eng., FEC, demonstrate a deep and enduring commitment to the engineering profession and the formation and development of its future practitioners his concurrent involvement in chapter activities, on Council and PEO committees.
Seimer served on the Lakehead Chapter Executive from 1996 to 2007, chairing it four consecutive years. As a member of PEO Council for five years, he could always be relied upon to bring a chapter perspective to the discussion.
He was instrumental in establishing PEO’s first regional office at Lakehead University in 2003, an initiative that increases the provide visibility of the association to engineering students and supports Northern Region Chapters in their delivery of outreach programs. He secured the university location and led responsibility for office staffing, monitoring its operations and compiling progress reports to Council. As of result of its success, PEO now supports regional offices at universities throughout Ontario.
Seimer has also served the profession as a motivational force through participation on several PEO committees, including as a member of the Academic Requirements Committee since 2000, and for five years on both the Discipline and Regional Councillors Committees. He co-chaired a task force that defines the chapters and regional boundaries that we have today in Ontario.
He says he volunteers with PEO so that he is “better equipped to explain to my students why they should be a registered professional engineer and how to become one.”