
Serge Robert, P.Eng., FEC

An active PEO volunteer since 2009, Serge Robert has an outstanding record of volunteer service with PEO at both the chapter and provincial levels, consistently advocating for members and working to create a more inclusive and equitable engineering community.

Over many years volunteering with the Porcupine/Kapuskasing Chapter, Serge has served on the chapter executive as chair and vice chair and encouraged others to do the same. A driving force in promoting the profession locally, he is a regular volunteer at local student STEM events such as National Engineering Month activities, science olympics, bridge-building competitions and science fairs.

Serge also served two stints on PEO Council, as Northern Region Councillor. In this role, he made great efforts to solicit feedback from all northern chapters, attending chapter events across Northern Ontario. As chair of the Northern Regional Congress Committee, Serge was a regular participant at regional councillors’ conferences and kept chapters up to date by summarizing proceedings for members.

As a mentor to young chapter leaders, Serge is known for making himself available as a resource, providing guidance and serving as a valuable sounding board. And he is deeply committed to diversity and inclusion within the profession. Serge’s active support for underrepresented groups, such as women in engineering, and his efforts to ensure everyone has equal access to engineering opportunities, underscore his dedication to fostering a more diverse and inclusive profession.