Stacey McGuire, P.Eng.
Through her dedicated contributions as a volunteer and leader, Stacey McGuire demonstrates her intense passion for the engineering profession and community.
Stacey first joined the Windsor-Essex Chapter board in October 2009 as an EIT and took on the EIT subcommittee chair position. A natural planner, she quickly began organizing many successful information nights to assist university students and foreign trained individuals in their quest for licensure. She also worked to include EITs in chapter life, planning additional events to network with EITs in a more social setting such as volleyball tournaments, curling bonspiels, pub crawls and golf tournaments.
After obtaining her P.Eng., Stacey branched into many other subcommittees including volunteering for the Education subcommittee, Scholarship subcommittee, GLP, judge for the Windsor Regional Science, Technology and Engineering Fair and Innovation Station: Engineering Your Life .
In 2015, Stacey became only the second woman to chair the Windsor-Essex chapter board after two years serving as vice chair. As chair, she remained a strong leader to a sometimes-fractious board, overcoming personality clashes through patience, active listening, unbiased tenacity and courage.
Over the past three years, Stacey has focused her efforts across several areas, including women in engineering (in which she created a new Empowering Women in Engineering subcommittee), developing relationships with OACETT and continuing to take the lead on organizing social events.