Stephen G. Jack, P.Eng.
Stephen Jack has been at the centre of nearly all of the profession’s major activities, member services and promotional initiatives for three decades.
His long history of service to the profession began in 1977 when he joined the staff at PEO as the Chapter Manager, a position requiring him to devote many nights and weekends to organizing and attending such events as the Regional Congresses. He spearheaded the production of PEO’s popular and award-winning video on ethics and engineering, entitled The Truesteel Affair.
As staff advisor to the Advisory Committee on Salaries, he worked to provide a solid framework within which the committee could work to ensure reliable data for PEO’s then-two annual salary surveys. He similarly supported many other PEO committees and task forces, including the Professional Engineers Awards Committee and the PEO/Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists Joint Management Board.
Stephen was instrumental in establishing National Engineering Week (NEW) in Ontario, and was the staff representative on the National Engineering Week Ontario Steering Committee. As a result of his efforts, NEW has grown annually since its inception in 1992 and greatly enhances the reputation and public image of the engineering profession in the province.
Prior to his retirement from PEO, Stephen was seconded to the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, where his experience and understanding of the profession were invaluable during its start-up years.
He continues to support the profession as Chair of the Professional Engineers Foundation for Education, a registered charity that awards scholarships to engineering students across Ontario to encourage them to pursue their P.Eng., and also manages the Engineers Benevolent Fund.
For diligent and enthusiastic service to the profession that went far beyond what could be expected of a staff member, it is with great pleasure that PEO invests Stephen G. Jack, P.Eng., as a Member of the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.