Sucha S. Mann, P.Eng., FEC, PMP
With a desire to promote engineering as a means to improve society, Sucha tirelessly supports the profession through the Ottawa Chapter with integrity and enthusiasm.
A member of the chapter executive for the past decade, chairing it in 2007, Sucha is recognized for organizing a wide range of successful technical and social events. He leveraged his deep-seated interest in sustainability issues to create several new chapter initiatives. Most notably, since 2006 he has led the staging of an annual Sustainability Seminar and Panel Discussion, which brings together industry experts, academics and policy makers to discuss how engineering practices and society can be made to be safer and more sustainable.
As a member and chair of the chapter’s Education Outreach Committee, Sucha has promoted the profession to students at such events as science fairs, presentations and engineering challenges. To help inspire the next generation of engineers, he initiated an engineering scholarship program with sponsorship from PEO and generated funding from the chapter to enable recognition of additional scholarship recipients.
With a passion to serve both the engineering profession and his community, he launched the chapter’s awards program and has chaired its selection committee since 2011. The program recognizes distinguished service to the profession and to the public by members, as well as honours non-members for volunteer service to the public. Sucha also played an integral role in establishing the chapter’s Government Liaison Program committee and building important relationships between the chapter and local elected officials.
Click here to watch Sucha's gala tribute video