Tom Murad, PhD, P.Eng., SM.IEEE, FEC
Through his dedication and contribution as a volunteer, leader and mentor, Tom Murad demonstrates his passion for the engineering profession and community.
Tom is a long-standing PEO volunteer, having served on the regulator’s Experience Requirements Committee (ERC) for the past several years.
As head of Siemens Canada Engineering & Technology Academy (SCETA), Tom leads the management and practice governance of all professional engineers from various provincial engineering associations within Siemens Canada. In this role he maintains a database of all professional engineers within the company and conducts seminars focusing on PEO certification, regulation, governance and enforcement.
SCETA also helps through its Work Learning Integrated Program (WILP) to bridge the technical and leadership skills gap between academics and real world engineering work for recent graduates.
In addition, he has collaborated with Canadian post-secondary schools to implement the first industry lead certification in mechatronics systems—the Siemens Mechatronics Systems Certification program.