Waguih H. EIMaraghy, Ph.D., P.Eng., FEC, FCAE, FCIRP, FASME, FSME, FCSME
Through his dedicated contributions as a volunteer and educator, Dr. Waguih H. EIMaraghy demonstrates his intense passion for the engineering profession and community.
A professor at the University of Windsor, Waguih is a long-standing PEO volunteer, with service on the Academic Requirements Committee (ARC) since 1989. He currently sits as the committee’s vice chair.
Over his three decades on the committee, Waguih has pioneered or been instrumental in many ARC initiatives. During the revision process to the ARC's procedure manual, Waguih helped establish "breadth and depth" definitions, which had never been defined in PEO's practices and had led to many interpretation issues. Over the years, he has also made significant contributions drafting committee policies on conflict of interest and bias; and developing and updating the guidelines for assessing and grading PEO applicants' engineering reports. All of these activities have significantly improved the P.Eng. application process.
As the current ARC vice chair and chair of the Distance Education subcommittee, Waguih has been developing guidelines and criteria for evaluating the credentials that applicants acquire through distance education courses/programs.
In addition, Waguih has volunteered with the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and the Canadian Engineering Qualification Board (CEQB).