Wanda M. Juricic, P.Eng.
Wanda Juricic has enthusiastically and productively immersed herself in nearly every aspect of the Windsor-Essex Chapter’s operations, despite only joining its executive in 2006 when she received her P.Eng. licence.
On joining the executive, Wanda immediately took on the job of chairing the Education Subcommittee, and successfully completed one of its most significant and long-standing projects–an education outreach video entitled, Take a Look at Engineering. The video introduces elementary school students to the opportunities available to engineers in a fun and creative way with copies having been distributed to local elementary schools and libraries. It has also been shown at a number of public events. Wanda led the video through to its completion, including helping to secure funding to support production.
A natural leader who encourages colleagues to contribute to PEO and the community, Wanda has never hesitated to take on new roles within the chapter executive, serving as education coordinator, certificate coordinator and two years as chapter chair. She also almost singlehandedly coordinated the chapter’s winning bid to host PEO’s successful 2008 annual general meeting.
Dedicated to promoting lifelong learning and interest in the sciences, Wanda has been an inspiration for women in engineering and those considering a career in math and sciences through her participation on the chapter’s Education Committee, as a member of the Windsor Regional Science Technology and Engineering Fair committee, at the Innovation Station engineering display at a local mall, and at Go ENG Girl events.
She has transferred her chapter experience to PEO’s wider education outreach activities through her 2010 appointment to the association’s Education Committee, where she continues to make significant contributions to the committee’s efforts.
“I am grateful to my family for providing valuable guidance as a young child. As I grew older, the lessons I learned from those few special teachers still ring in my thoughts. And now, over the last couple years, I have had the greatest opportunity to meet new people and strengthen the relationship with my PEO chapter family,” Wanda says. “I volunteer because I want to ‘pay-it-forward’ and share with others what I have learned from the supporters in my life. There is no greater feeling then knowing I am reaching out.”