William Edwards, P.Eng.
For over 15 years, Engineer William Edwards has demonstrated outstanding leadership through his -service to the Professional Engineers Ontario Oakville Chapter.
Since 1988, Bill has served on the chapter Executive as chapter Secretary, Treasurer, Past-Chair, Executive member and two years as chapter Chair. He has developed a well-rounded perspective of chapter procedures. His four years service as chapter Treasurer have been cited as sharpening his -financial expertise as well as benefiting the chapter through his efficient management of chapter resources.
Bill’s ongoing efforts to make the Oakville Chapter’s programs current, active and innovative have constantly improved the chapter’s professional and social events. He has worked to boost membership interest and participation by organizing such exciting chapter events as the tour of the Ford automotive plant, which sold out within two days.
For his financial responsibility, his willingness to share his expertise as a knowledgeable resource within the chapter and his accessibility as a mentor to new members of the Oakville Chapter, William Edwards is invested as a Member in the Professional Engineers Ontario Order of Honour.