Ramesh Subramanian, PhD, P.Eng., FEC

Northern Region Councillor

Ramesh Subramanian received his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, in 1994, and completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of New Brunswick, University of Wisconsin-Madison and McMaster University before joining Laurentian University in Sudbury as assistant professor in January 2002. He was the director of the Bharti School of Engineering at Laurentian University (2010–2016), a member of the Council of Ontario Deans of Engineering (including serving as vice chair 2013–2015 and chair 2015–2016) and National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (including the Deans Liaison Committee from 2013–2016). He has been a fully licensed P.Eng. in Ontario since 2008 and a fellow of Engineers Canada, with volunteering experience at the Sudbury Chapter (including secretary, vice chair and chair), PEO’s Academic Requirements Committee (since June 2013 and the current chair) and Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (higher education institution visits since January 2014 and Ontario member on the board since December 2018). Subramanian is committed to the core principles of protecting public safety, engaging PEO membership, modernizing the governance of PEO to remain as a good self-regulator, engaging stakeholders through PEO chapters, advancing PEO’s mission and seeing an increased relevance and value of a P.Eng. licence to the public, engineers and engineering graduates. A passionate grassroots, community-oriented engineering educator and mentor, he would like to see PEO establish successful outreach programs for recruiting and retaining engineers (especially women) and help them seamlessly proceed through the licensure process.