Luc Roberge, P.Eng., FEC
Northern Region Councillor
Luc Roberge was raised in Verner, a small dairy community located in northeastern Ontario. He received his bachelor of engineering science (mechanical) from Queen’s University, was registered with PEO in 1988 and has been a member of OSPE since its inception. Roberge started as an EIT in the pulp and paper industry with MacMillan Bloedel Ltd, went on to work in the lumber industry with Weyerhaeuser and ended his career with Ontario Power Generation in the renewable energy sector. His participation in the chapter system started 19 years ago with the Algoma Chapter. He has also been a member of the Kapuskasing-Porcupine Chapter, where he was chair in 2019; and the North Bay Chapter, where he was chair from 2012 to 2014. Roberge was first elected to PEO Council in 2020, for a two-year term, as a Northern Region councillor. During this period, he served on PEO’s Licensing, Auditing, OSPE-PEO Joint Relations, Governance, Regional Councillors and Human Resources and Compensation committees. During his second year, he also served as chair of the Human Resources and Compensation and Volunteer Leadership Conference Planning committees. Roberge was inducted into the PEO Order of Honor at the Member level in 2019. Before his involvement with PEO, he also volunteered as a scout leader. He is looking forward to continuing serving as a Northern Region councillor.