Pappur Shankar, P.Eng., FEC
West Central Region Councillor
Pappur Shankar is a mechanical engineer who has worked in many capacities on major EPC projects, ranging from $50 million to $500 million, for the past 35 years. Since 2017, Shankar has been involved in marketing and business development of engineering products. His experience in project management spans a wide range of industry sectors related to power (nuclear, mining, thermal, hydroelectric and utilities), oil and gas, mining and utilities with organizations including EXXON, Iberdrola USA, OPG, Hydro One and numerous mining and oil companies, and he was a member of the due diligence team for Cold Lake project in 1981. Shankar is a co-founder and past president of PMI Lakeshore Chapter and a current member of PEO and the OSPE Energy Task Force. He has volunteered with PEO at the chapter level for 17 years in many capacities. He was the vice president of finance and SME for Indo Canada Chamber of Commerce in 2017 and a conference chair of Canada India Business Symposium, held in Toronto, where 130 companies participated. Shankar led the business delegation to India in 2017 as part of ICCC. He aims to address the challenges that must be faced over the next few years and work with Council to address regulatory requirements that will have a positive impact on the profession.