PEO Syllabus of Examinations, 2016 Edition
16-Nav-A1 Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
Hull form definition: principal dimensions, ships' lines, coefficients of form. Hull form characteristics: integration methods, Bonjean curves, wetted surface, hydrostatic curves. Equilibrium conditions. Initial stability, metacentric height, cross curves of stability, GZ curve, free surface effect, effects of changes in weight on stability, stability criteria, inclining experiment. Dynamical stability. Trim, moment causing trim, effect of added weights on draft, trim and heel. Submerged equilibrium, trim dive. Stability when grounded. Intact stability of unusual ship forms. Free communication effect. Subdivision and damage stability calculations. Stability criteria for damaged stability. Load line regulations, tonnage regulations. Use of computers in ship's calculations.
16-Nav-A2 Hydrodynamics of Ships (I): Resistance and Propulsion
Review of fluid dynamic concepts, dimensional analysis, frictional resistance, wave-making resistance, other components of resistance. Use of models, presenting model resistance data. Functional relationship between resistance and hull form. Algorithms for resistance calculations. Advanced marine vehicles. Powering of ships, theory of propeller action. Law of similitude for propellers, interaction between hull and propellers. Model self-propulsion tests. Geometry of screw propellers. Cavitation. Propeller selection and design. Other propulsion devices such as: jet propulsion, air propulsion (sail, air propellers), paddle wheels, vertical-axis propellers (Kirsten, Voith-Schneider) etc. Ship standardization trials.
16-Nav-A3 Hydrodynamics of Ships (II): Ship Motion
Ocean waves, wave spectral density. Rigid body dynamics of marine vehicles and structures, ship responses to regular and irregular waves. Introduction to hydroelastic analysis methods of ships and ocean structures. Manoeuvring and control of ship motions, assessing ship's performance in a seaway. Directional stability. Design aspects.
16-Nav-A4 Ship Structure and Strength of Ships
Ship types, framing systems, longitudinal strength requirements, classification rules. Structural components, hull materials, methods of joining structural parts. Hull outfit and fittings with special emphasis on construction process, hull preservation and maintenance. Deckhouses and superstructures. Ship structural loads, analysis of hull girders (stress and deflection), vertical shear force, bending moment, torsion, midship section and bulkhead configurations. Thermal effects on primary stresses and deflections. Bending of flat plates, shear lag and stress diffusion. Load carrying capability and structural performance criteria. Reliability of structures, ultimate strength. Analytical optimization of structures.
16-Nav-A5 Ship Design
Preliminary design methods for the design of marine platforms and vehicles from mission statement to the selection of one or more acceptable solutions. Weight and cost estimation, power requirements estimation, and selection of principal design characteristics. Economic and operational evaluation of alternative solutions. Optimization.
16-Nav-A6 Advanced Strength of Materials (16-Mec-A7)
Stress-Strain Analysis: Stress and strain, transformations, principle stresses, graphical representation by Mohr’s circles of biaxial and triaxial cases, generalized Hooke’s law including thermal strains, equations of equilibrium and compatibility, plane strain and plane stress problems. Failure theories and limit analysis. Euler critical loads for columns, curved beams, thick-walled cylinders and rotating discs, contact stresses, strain gauges and application, stress concentrations including fracture mechanics.
Energy Methods: Strain energy principles, virtual work, Castigliano’s theorem. Applications to cases in axial, bending, and torsional loadings. Applications to statically indeterminate problems.
16-Nav-B1 Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (16-Mec-A1)
Thermodynamics: Review of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, introductory psychrometry and analysis of the ideal gas compressor cycle, Rankine cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Brayton cycle and the vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
Heat Transfer: Application of the principles of steady and transient conduction heat transfer, natural and forced convection heat transfer and radiation heat transfer. Thermal analysis of heat exchangers.
16-Nav-B2 Marine Engineering (98-Mar-A7)
Ship system formulations, main propulsion system requirements, main propulsion system trade- off studies, arrangement of machinery, piping diagrams, auxiliary systems.
Characteristics of internal combustion engines, marine uses for such engines. Marine steam generators, selection and design of boilers. Main propulsion steam engines. Main propulsion steam turbines. Main propulsion gas turbines. Electric propulsion drives.
Propeller shafting and shafting system vibration analysis. Pumps, blowers, compressors, ejectors, condensers, heat exchangers, distilling plants. Hull machinery design considerations and machinery installations, machinery foundation designs, hydrostatic power transmission equipment, and systems.
Machinery for environmental control and waste treatment. Electric generating plants, switchboards and panels, lighting and power distribution, power equipment, lighting fixtures. Electronics navigation and radio communication. Automation systems. Safety considerations.
Fundamentals of pressurized-water nuclear steam supply systems for use in marine propulsion, reactor design considerations, nuclear fuels, reactor coolants, reactor control, shielding, safety, health, physics, economics.
16-Nav-B3 Small Commercial Ships
Types of small commercial ships. Specific design criteria for each type. Scantling, powering, propulsion and stability requirements. Type specific systems. Various construction materials and their construction techniques. Regulations applicable to small commercial ships. Classification society rules.
16-Nav-B4 Advanced Structural Analysis
Analysis of statically indeterminate structures, including trusses, beams and frames. Moment distribution, slope deflection and energy methods. Force and deformation methods applied to matrix formulation. Bending and buckling of plates. (Prerequisite examinations: 16-Nav-A4 and 16-Mec-A4)
16-Nav-B5 Ship Production and Shipyard Management
General aspects of shipyard organization and management; history and background of modern industry; industrial tendencies; principles of organization; principles of management. Plant location, layout and construction; handling of materials, production engineering and inspection, quality control, procedure control and systems. Control of production, time and motion study. Material control, plant safety. Industrial relations, personnel management, training, human relations and labour organizations. Drydocking and maintenance of ships.
16-Nav-B6 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements (16-Mec-A4)
Theory and methodology related to conceptual design; review of the methods used in stress analysis; simple design factor approach; variable loads; stress concentrations; bolts and bolted joints; welded joints; springs; shaft and bearing design; clutches, brakes, and braking systems.
The role and characterization of manufacturing technology within the manufacturing enterprise is also examined. Topics include an overview of the deformation process, joining processes, consolidation processes, material removal processes, material alteration processes; composites manufacturing, nano-and-microfabrication technologies rubber processing, glass working, coating processes, mechanical assembly, electronics packaging and assembly, and production lines; and process selection and planning; quality control systems.
16-Nav-B7 Environmental Control in Ships (98-Mar-B2)
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning: Psychometrics, heating load, cooling load, comfort, ventilation and room air distribution. Humidifying and dehumidifying, duct and fan design, piping and pump design. Heating, ventilating and cooling systems and components. Refrigeration.
Noise Control: Sound wave characteristics, measurement instruments. Sources of noise, absorption and transmission. Free field and reverberant conditions. Noise control techniques in ships.
Energy Management Technology: Energy resources and supplies, control systems and instrumentation, lighting, systems operation, engineering/economic analysis principles, energy audit procedures.
Shipboard waste management, collection systems. Environmental pollution and management. Water quality; principles involved in design and operation and physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes, and shipboard waste treatment.
16-Nav-B8 Ocean Engineering and Offshore Structures
Hydrostatics of rigid floating or submerged structures; mooring systems; wave and ice loads; diffraction theory; offshore platform design requirements; safety and risk management.
16-Nav-B9 Advanced Fluid Mechanics (16-Mec-A6)
Review of basic concepts; elementary two-dimensional potential flow, vorticity and circulation, one-dimensional compressible flow of an inviscid perfect gas, isentropic flow through nozzles, shock waves, frictional compressible flow in conduits, equations of viscous flow, laminar and turbulent boundary layers. Bernoulli’s equation and Navier-Stokes equations. Dimensional analysis and similitude.
16-Nav-B10 Finite Element Analysis (16-Mec-B10)
Linear static analysis: basic concepts, shape functions, bar and beam elements, direct and energy-based formulations, simple coordinate transformations, element assembly, boundary conditions, equation solution. Planar model formulations, work equivalent loads. Isoparametric element formulation: Jacobian matrix, numerical integration, stress averaging. Modeling, common errors, convergence, and accuracy issues. Introductory 3D solids, solids of revolution, plates and shells. Thermal analysis: matrix formulation, steady state and transient response. Introductory nonlinear modeling and procedures: simple material nonlinearity, stress stiffening, contact interfaces.
11-CS-1 Engineering Economics
Basic concepts of engineering economics through understanding of the theoretical and conceptual financial project analysis. Types and applications of engineering economic decisions. Capital, cash flow, and the time value of money concepts. Nominal and effective interest rates when considering loans, mortgages, and bonds. The application of present worth analysis, annual equivalent analysis and rate of return analysis in evaluating independent projects, comparing mutually exclusive projects, analyzing lease vs. buy alternatives and making decisions. After-tax financial analysis requiring an understanding of capital cost allowance (depreciation) and corporate income tax. Understanding methods of financing and capital budgeting. Break-even, sensitivity and risk analyses.
11-CS-2 Engineering in Society – Health and Safety
The duties and legal responsibilities for which engineers are accountable; safety laws and regulations; and a basic knowledge of potential hazards and their control: biological hazards – bacteria, viruses; chemical hazards - gases, liquids and dusts; fire and explosion hazards; physical hazards – noise, radiation, temperature extremes; safety hazards – equipment operation; workplace conditions - equity standards, human behaviour, capabilities, and limitations; managing safety and health through risk management, safety analyses, and safety plans and programs; practices and procedures to improve safety. The roles and social responsibilities of an engineer from a professional ethics point of view, as applied in the context of Canadian values. The integration of ethics into engineering practice, and its effect on public safety and trust.
11-CS-3 Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment
Basic knowledge of soil, water and air quality engineering: soil and water interaction, water supply issues, human activities and their interaction on soil, air and water resources. Fundamentals of: soil erosion, water quality, atmospheric pollution (carbon and nitrogen cycle), climate change, risk assessment. Basic knowledge of renewable energy sources: solar, photovoltaic, wireless electricity, thermal, wind, geothermal, and biofuels. Introduction to renewable materials engineering; nano materials, new material cycles. Eco-product development, and product life cycle assessment; recycling technologies; reuse of products; design for disassembly, recycling, e-waste, and reverse manufacturing. Consumption patterns; transportation; environmental communication; consumer awareness. Optimized energy and resources management. Sustainable methods: sustainability indicators; life cycle assessment; regulatory aspects of environmental management, ecological planning.
11-CS-4 Engineering Management
Introduction to management principles and their impact upon social and economic aspects of engineering practice. Engineering management knowledge topics including: market research, assessment and forecasting; strategic planning; risk and change management; product, service and process development; engineering projects and process management; financial resource management; marketing, sales and communications management; leadership and organizational management; professional responsibility. New paradigms and innovative business models, including: sustainable production, products, service systems and consumption; best practices and practical examples of successful implementations of sustainable scientific and engineering solutions.