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Douglas Perovic, PhD, P.Eng.

Celestica Chair in Materials for Microelectronics Nanoengineering Major Chair, Division of Engineering Science, University of Toronto

An expert researcher in the fields of nanotechnology and forensic engineering, Douglas Perovic, PhD, P.Eng., has carved an impressive career that includes the creation of innovative university programs and leading edge research and development centres, which have benefited the entire Canadian scientific and engineering community.

A torchbearer for the advancement of nanoengineering, Dr. Perovic led the development of the world's first undergraduate degree program in nanotechnology and continues to chair the Nanoengineering Science Program at the University of Toronto. Together with his research team, he has pioneered new techniques for electron optic studies, with particular emphasis on structure-property relationships of nanomaterials.

Dr. Perovic also spearheaded the establishment of three leading edge research facilities in Canada. He was the principal applicant in the creation of the country's first state-of-the-art, regional high-resolution, field-emission, electron microscopy facility, in collaboration with George Weatherly of McMaster University; he founded the $12-million, multi-industry/multi-university Centre for Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging, the first of its kind in Canada; and he was a principal applicant in a $21-million Ontario Research Fund grant to create the Centre for Nanomaterial-Enabled Products for the Ontario Manufacturing Sector at the University of Toronto.

A renowned authority on forensic engineering failure analysis, Dr. Perovic has led more than 500 investigations in Canada and the United States, and is often quoted in the media on high profile cases. The results of his investigations have been incorporated into revised standards, codes and regulations to improve public safety. A devoted educator, he developed and teaches the only graduate course in forensic engineering and failure analysis in Canada, through the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Institute. An undergraduate course in Forensic Engineering will be offered at U of T, for the first time, in 2012.

Dr. Perovic's superlative reputation as an applied scientist and engineer is in large part based on his ability to communicate the importance of his research to industry and the public through media interviews, international conferences and workshops, and over 175 refereed publications in professional journals.