Canada's rigorous engineering qualifications, standards of practice and accreditation system are internationally recognized. Engineers Canada (EC) began accrediting undergraduate university engineering programs in 1965. The process for accrediting an engineering program is undertaken by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), a working Board of the Engineers Canada (EC).
Accreditation means that engineering graduates from the program have the academic qualifications necessary for registration as a professional engineer (P.Eng.). In Canada, engineering programs are evaluated by the CEAB at the request of the institution offering the program, and with consent of the regulatory association/ordre in the province or territory where the institution is located. In Ontario, Professional Engineers Ontario is the regulatory association.
In Canada, these educational institutions offer accredited undergraduate engineering programs leading to a bachelor's degree in engineering. There are currently 220 accredited engineering programs, in a wide range of engineering disciplines. In addition to the well-known disciplines such as civil, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering, aspiring engineers can enter accredited programs in bioresource, computer, environmental, materials and mining engineering, among others. The terminology requested by the institutions is used in the list.