PEO Syllabus of Examinations, 2016 Edition
16-Civ-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
Computation of reactions, shearing forces, normal forces, bending moments, and deformations in determinate structures. Influence lines for moving loads. Moment distribution, slope deflection, and energy methods for indeterminate structures without sidesway.
16-Civ-A2 Elementary Structural Design
Limit states design concepts. Loading due to use and occupancy, snow, wind, and earthquake. Design of tension members, beams, and columns in timber and steel. Design of timber connections and simple welded and bolted connections in steel. Design of determinate reinforced concrete beams and columns.
16-Civ-A3 Municipal and Environmental Engineering
Municipal infrastructure including, water supply, Unit process for water and wastewater disposal, water and waste Water treatment. roads and land development; population forecasting; demand analysis. Water supply; source development, transmission, storage, pumping, distribution networks. Sewerage and drainage; sewer and culvert hydraulics; collection networks; stormwater management. Maintenance and rehabilitation of water and wastewater systems; buried pipe design; optimization of network design.
16-Civ-A4 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
Materials: Origin of soils, soil identification and classification. Compaction. Permeability, pore water pressure and effective stress. Compressibility and consolidation. Shear strength, stress paths, and critical states. Frost action. Associated laboratory tests.
Analysis: Elastic stress distribution, settlements, times of settlements. Introductory analysis of lateral earth pressures, bearing capacity, and slopes. Seepage; well flow and confined 2-D flow problems.
16-Civ-A5 Hydraulic Engineering
Dimensional analysis and hydraulic models. Application of continuity, momentum and energy principles. Steady, closed conduit flow in single pipes and pipe networks. Steady, open-channel flow under uniform and gradually varied conditions, control sections, hydraulic jumps, and energy dissipaters. Hydraulic transients; surges and water hammer in closed conduits, surface waves in open channels. Concepts and principles of turbo machinery, especially centrifugal pumps; similarity relations and cavitation; operation of pump-and-pipe systems.
Introductory concepts of hydraulic structures, including environmental aspects of hydraulic works and water quality management.
16-Civ-A6 Highway Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Route surveying. Geometric design, including horizontal and vertical alignment and intersections. Properties of road-making materials. Asphalt mix design. Structural design for flexible and concrete pavements. Earthworks and drainage. Pavement management, including condition evaluation, maintenance, and rehabilitation.
16-Civ-B1 Advanced Structural Analysis
Analysis of statically indeterminate structures, including trusses, beams, frames, and arches. Formulation of flexibility (force) and stiffness (displacement), and matrix methods of analysis.
16-Civ-B2 Advanced Structural Design
Limit states design of steel members and connections in continuous framing; of slabs and footings in reinforced concrete, of pre‑stressed concrete members and assemblies; and of composite steel‑concrete construction. Influence of creep and shrinkage in concrete construction.
16-Civ-B3 Geotechnical Design
Characterization of natural deposits, subsurface investigation, and field measurements. Design procedures for settlement and stability of shallow and deep foundation systems in soil and rock. Design of excavations and retaining structures; slopes and embankments. Geoenvironmental design topics covering seepage through dams and landfills and the control of seepage through the use of filters and low permeability layers including the use of geosynthetic liners and filters.
16-Civ-B4 Engineering Hydrology
Hydrologic processes: precipitation and snow melt, infiltration, evaporation and evapotranspiration, ground-water flow, runoff. Point and area estimates of precipitation. Stream flow measurement. Runoff hydrographs, unit hydrographs, conceptual models of runoff, and basics of hydrologic modeling. Channel system: reservoir and lake routing, channel routing and flood wave behavior Statistical methods: frequency and probability with application to precipitation, floods, and droughts. Urban and highway drainage structure design.
16-Civ-B5 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
Physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of water and wastewater. Regulation of water quality for supply and discharge, elements of receiving water characterization and specification of effluent limits. Elements of water and wastewater treatment including, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, settling, softening, disinfection, fluoridation, taste and odour control and biological processes. Sludge disposal.
Quantity and quality estimation of water and wastewater. Water storage and distribution systems. Wastewater collection systems.
16-Civ-B6 Urban and Regional Planning
The context of urban planning; basic planning studies, including population, economic, and land‑use studies. The strategy, development, and engineering associated with comprehensive plans and full infrastructure development including housing, industry, transportation, recreation, water and sewerage, social service components. The use of analytical procedures and data systems. Plan implementation measures and controls, including zoning, land subdivision, and urban renewal. The role of the planner in directing and monitoring urban and regional development.
16-Civ-B7 Transportation Planning and Engineering
Socio-economic impacts on transportation, demand modelling. Characteristics of transportation systems; rail, road, air, water, and pipelines. Transportation systems in Canada. Characteristics of traffic flow, queuing theory, capacity analysis, space-time diagrams. Urban traffic management, traffic signals, pedestrians, accidents. Intelligent transportation systems.
16-Civ-B8 Management of Construction
Size and structure of Canadian design and construction sectors. Methods of project delivery, project management, and organizational form. Site investigation. Estimating and bidding, project planning, scheduling and control, activity planning. Safety practices and regulations, insurance, quality assurance and control. Labour relations. Contract administration. Litigation.
16-Civ-B9 The Finite Element Method
Introductory concepts in discretization techniques for solving Civil Engineering problems. The finite element method including; derivation of element and global force-displacement equations employing both the variational and direct stiffness methods, criteria for selection of approximating functions, available finite elements, general constitutive relations, substructure analysis and constraint equations, numerical methods of solution. Finite element applications to structural, geotechnical, and hydraulic engineering analysis.
16-Civ-B10 Traffic Engineering
Introductory concepts in traffic engineering and control. Vehicle – driver – roadway environment; theories of traffic flow; application of queuing theory, capacity and delay analysis of unsignalized and signalized intersections; design optimization of isolated and co-ordinated traffic signal timing plans; traffic simulation model calibration and application; and field data collection and analysis. State-of-practice analysis and design methods.
16-Civ-B11 Structural Materials
Properties and uses of non-renewable and recycled materials; energy efficient design and green material selection. Linear and nonlinear material behavior, time-dependent behavior; structural and engineering properties of structural metals; behavior of wood; production and properties of concrete; bituminous materials, ceramics, plastics; advanced composite materials; cements and aggregates: types, chemistry, microstructure. Sustainability and durability issues of structural materials.
16-Civ-B12 Risk and Safety in Civil Engineering
Introductory concepts in fundamentals of uncertainty, risk, risk analysis, safety and decision-making in civil engineering. Risk and safety issues related to planning, design, construction/implementation and operations in the context of environmental, transportation, structures, geotechnical, natural hazards or other civil engineering disciplines.
11-CS-1 Engineering Economics
Basic concepts of engineering economics through understanding of the theoretical and conceptual financial project analysis. Types and applications of engineering economic decisions. Capital, cash flow, and the time value of money concepts. Nominal and effective interest rates when considering loans, mortgages, and bonds. The application of present worth analysis, annual equivalent analysis and rate of return analysis in evaluating independent projects, comparing mutually exclusive projects, analyzing lease vs. buy alternatives and making decisions. After-tax financial analysis requiring an understanding of capital cost allowance (depreciation) and corporate income tax. Understanding methods of financing and capital budgeting. Break-even, sensitivity and risk analyses.
11-CS-2 Engineering in Society – Health and Safety
The duties and legal responsibilities for which engineers are accountable; safety laws and regulations; and a basic knowledge of potential hazards and their control: biological hazards – bacteria, viruses; chemical hazards - gases, liquids and dusts; fire and explosion hazards; physical hazards – noise, radiation, temperature extremes; safety hazards – equipment operation; workplace conditions - equity standards, human behaviour, capabilities, and limitations; managing safety and health through risk management, safety analyses, and safety plans and programs; practices and procedures to improve safety. The roles and social responsibilities of an engineer from a professional ethics point of view, as applied in the context of Canadian values. The integration of ethics into engineering practice, and its effect on public safety and trust.
11-CS-3 Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment
Basic knowledge of soil, water and air quality engineering: soil and water interaction, water supply issues, human activities and their interaction on soil, air and water resources. Fundamentals of: soil erosion, water quality, atmospheric pollution (carbon and nitrogen cycle), climate change, risk assessment. Basic knowledge of renewable energy sources: solar, photovoltaic, wireless electricity, thermal, wind, geothermal, and biofuels. Introduction to renewable materials engineering; nano materials, new material cycles. Eco-product development, and product life cycle assessment; recycling technologies; reuse of products; design for disassembly, recycling, e-waste, and reverse manufacturing. Consumption patterns; transportation; environmental communication; consumer awareness. Optimized energy and resources management. Sustainable methods: sustainability indicators; life cycle assessment; regulatory aspects of environmental management, ecological planning.
11-CS-4 Engineering Management
Introduction to management principles and their impact upon social and economic aspects of engineering practice. Engineering management knowledge topics including: market research, assessment and forecasting; strategic planning; risk and change management; product, service and process development; engineering projects and process management; financial resource management; marketing, sales and communications management; leadership and organizational management; professional responsibility. New paradigms and innovative business models, including: sustainable production, products, service systems and consumption; best practices and practical examples of successful implementations of sustainable scientific and engineering solutions.