Electrical Engineering exams


PEO Syllabus of Examinations, 2016 Edition





16-Elec-A1 Circuits

Electric circuit components: lumped parameter models. Nodal and mesh analysis of linear, passive circuits; equivalent networks. Steady state analysis of lumped parameter, time- invariant circuits: differential equation formulation, sinusoidal inputs, frequency response, impulse response, and transfer functions. Laplace transform analysis and circuit transient response. Two-port circuit models and analysis.

16-Elec-A2  Systems and Control

System models, impulse response functions, and transfer functions. System input-output and convolution. Root locus analysis and design. Feedback and stability: Bode diagrams.

Nyquist criterion, frequency domain design. State variable representation. Simple PID control systems. Systems with delay.

16-Elec-A3 Signals and Communications

Analysis of continuous-time signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform; magnitude, phase, and power spectra. Analysis of discrete-time signals: Nyquist sampling theorem; the Z- transform. Analog communication systems: amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation. Digital communication systems: digital modulation; and demodulation techniques.

16-Elec-A4 Digital Systems and Computers

Combinational, sequential, and synchronous logic circuits. Register level design of digital systems. Computer arithmetic, central processing unit, memory systems and peripherals.  Embedded and higher-level  (e.g. C) programming, interrupts, and interfacing and communication. Computer architecture.

16-Elec-A5 Electronics

Semiconductor devices; diodes and thyristors. Bipolar and field effect transistors as linear devices and switches. Bias circuits, basic amplifiers, small-signal equivalent circuits, transfer functions, and frequency response. Operational amplifiers and comparators. Digital integrated circuits and logic families: CMOS.

16-Elec-A6 Power Systems and Machines

Magnetic circuits and transformers. Wye and delta connected three-phase systems. Generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power. Three-phase transformers. AC and DC machines. Three-phase synchronous machines and three phase induction motors.

16-Elec-A7 Electromagnetics

Field concepts. Maxwell's equations, integral and differential forms. Free space and guided wave propagation, transmission lines. Radiation from current elements.



16-Elec-B1 Digital Signal Processing

Discrete-time signals and systems: system input-output and convolution, Z-transform and transfer functions. Discrete-time Fourier transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Design of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. DSP implementation considerations.

16-Elec-B2 Advanced Control Systems

Modelling of engineering systems; state variables and transfer function representations. Analytical and numerical solutions of state variable equations. Observability, controllability, stability; classical design, stabilization by pole assignment. Systems with noise. Computer control, discrete systems. System identification; least squares.

16-Elec-B3 Digital Communications Systems

A/D conversion, source coding; signal sets, line codes, modulation, optimal reception, demodulation, performance in noisy channels, error detecting and correcting codes. Radio communications; link analysis and performance, terrestrial and satellite communications.

16-Elec-B4 Information Technology Networks

Layered architecture, circuit-switching networks, peer-to-peer protocols and data link layer, medium access control protocols, local area networks, packet-switching networks, cellular networks, and wireless networks.

16-Elec-B5 Advanced Electronics

Device models: circuit behaviour, high frequency, and feedback. Multi-stage amplifiers, oscillators, current mode op-amps, non-linear circuits. Power amplifiers and linear regulators. Instrumentation: differential amps, optical isolators, and analog-digital and digital-analog converters.

16-Elec-B6 Integrated Circuit Engineering

Integrated Circuit Design: MOS circuit design methods; specification; use of CAD design tools. Non-ideal effects. Mask level layout. Integrated Circuit Fabrication: basic knowledge of IC processing techniques. Digital and analog IC's: basic building blocks. Design considerations for submicron CMOS and bipolar devices.

16-Elec-B7 Power Systems Engineering

Power system representation and analysis. Components: power transmission lines, transformers, synchronous machines. Distribution: power flow, operations, and control. Fault analysis and power system protection. System stability.

16-Elec-B8 Power Electronics and Drives

Principles and modelling of electric machines: dc machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines. Power electronic devices and converters: choppers, inverters, cycloconverters, and switched power supplies. Electric drives: torque and speed control, and field and vector oriented control techniques.

16-Elec-B9   Electromagnetic Field, Transmission Lines, Antennas, and Radiation

Field radiation equations. Distributed circuits: steady-state transmission line equations; impedance transformation, Smith charts, matching. Transients. Coaxial lines, waveguides. Antennas: infinitesimal elements, linear antennas, radiation resistance, antenna patterns, gain.

16-Elec-B10 Electro-Optical Engineering

Optical transmission: waveguide modes, fibre optic propagation characteristics. Optoelectronics: lasers, sources and detectors, couplers, modulators, guided wave devices. Applications.



11-CS-1  Engineering Economics

Basic concepts of engineering economics through understanding of the theoretical and conceptual financial project analysis. Types and applications of engineering economic decisions. Capital, cash flow, and the time value of money concepts. Nominal and effective interest rates when considering loans, mortgages, and bonds. The application of present worth analysis, annual equivalent analysis and rate of return analysis in evaluating independent projects, comparing mutually exclusive projects, analyzing lease vs. buy alternatives and making decisions. After-tax financial analysis requiring an understanding of capital cost allowance (depreciation) and corporate income tax. Understanding methods of financing and capital budgeting. Break-even, sensitivity and risk analyses.

11-CS-2  Engineering in Society – Health and Safety

The duties and legal responsibilities for which engineers are accountable; safety laws and regulations; and a basic knowledge of potential hazards and their control: biological hazards – bacteria, viruses; chemical hazards - gases, liquids and dusts; fire and explosion hazards; physical hazards – noise, radiation, temperature extremes; safety hazards – equipment operation; workplace conditions - equity standards, human behaviour, capabilities, and limitations; managing safety and health through risk management, safety analyses, and safety plans and programs; practices and procedures to improve safety. The roles and social responsibilities of an engineer from a professional ethics point of view, as applied in the context of Canadian values. The integration of ethics into engineering practice, and its effect on public safety and trust.

11-CS-3  Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment

Basic knowledge of soil, water and air quality engineering: soil and water interaction, water supply issues, human activities and their interaction on soil, air and water resources. Fundamentals of: soil erosion, water quality, atmospheric pollution (carbon and nitrogen cycle), climate change, risk assessment. Basic knowledge of renewable energy sources: solar, photovoltaic, wireless electricity, thermal, wind, geothermal, and biofuels. Introduction to renewable materials engineering; nano materials, new material cycles. Eco-product development, and product life cycle assessment; recycling technologies; reuse of products; design for disassembly, recycling, e-waste, and reverse manufacturing. Consumption patterns; transportation; environmental communication; consumer awareness. Optimized energy and resources management. Sustainable methods: sustainability indicators; life cycle assessment; regulatory aspects of environmental management, ecological planning. 

11-CS-4  Engineering Management 

Introduction to management principles and their impact upon social and economic aspects of engineering practice. Engineering management knowledge topics including: market research, assessment and forecasting; strategic planning; risk and change management; product, service and process development; engineering projects and process management;  financial resource management;  marketing, sales and communications management; leadership and organizational management; professional responsibility. New paradigms and innovative business models, including: sustainable production, products, service systems and consumption; best practices and practical examples of successful implementations of sustainable scientific and engineering solutions.