Long description

Infographic showing the participation timeline and deadline for two elements of the PEAK program.


It shows that the Practice Evaluation is the first element in which licence holders or eligible participants will evaluate their practice to determine their target CPD hours. It indicates that the deadline to complete the Practice Evaluation is January 31.

It also shows that the Professional Practice Module is the second element in which licence holders or eligible participants will learn about professional practices and regulatory processes. It indicates that the deadline to complete the Professional Practice Module is also January 31.



Infographic showing the participation timeline and deadline for two elements of the PEAK program.



The infographic presents a timeline using a horizontal dotted line to show the participation window aligned to the calendar year, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. The deadline date of January 31 is presented with a circled dot that is connected to lines leading to icons that represent what elements are due. A call-out box with an arrow pointing to the applicable line shows the name of the element and a brief description about that element.