Who can complete the C of A Renewal?
Currently only the contact licence holder on record (a professional engineer, (P.Eng.) limited licence holder (LET, LEL) or temporary licence holder) can assume this responsibility.
How do I change the contact licence holder of the C of A?
To change the contact licence holder, send an email to [email protected]. A certificate of authorization representative will contact you to make the necessary change.
The certificate of authorization renewal process explained
Renewal Period - 60 days prior to expiry to 60 days after expiry
- Online application is open and can be submitted
(Note: Applicant can make changes to the application up to the point the application is submitted)
Non-Renewal Period - 61 days after expiry to 61 days before next expiry date
- Online application is available to be updated and saved (not submitted)
Renewal Process and Communications
- 60 days before your C of A renewal expiration, an email notification is sent to your contact licence holder directing them to go online and complete the renewal application
- If the application and payment are not received by the expiration date, the day after expiration a default email notice is sent to the company’s email address on record
- If the application is only partially completed, an email will be sent 7 days after expiration
- At 61 days after expiration, if the application and payment have not been received, PEO will send a termination notice and your C of A will be closed. If your C of A is closed, reinstatement requires your organization to submit a new C of A application ($400) and pay the annual fee ($400)
What you will need to complete your certificate of authorization renewal application
Names and contact information of directors (up to 3)
Licence number of engineers responsible for engineering services
- See Licence holder directory to acquire licence numbers
- Description of engineering services
- Number of employees/number of engineers
- Liability insurance information (If your C of A requires insurance the name of insurer, policy number and expiry date)
- Credit card number if paying online
Only the C of A contact licence holder on record has access to the C of A renewal. If you are the contact licence holder, please login with your P.Eng. licence holder account and complete the online C of A renewal application.